

Allevamento per la produzione di uova da consumo

The PARCHETTO + NIDO solution, designed by CLERICI GINO srl, was created for farming laying hens for the production of eggs. 

The technical characteristics, sizing of the aviary and of the nesting boxes fully comply with the requirements of the European Directive, inherent to the well-being of the laying hens. The PARCHETTO + NIDO solution was designed with attention to every single construction detail, both in relation to ordinary management by the operator and in order to adapt the structure to the animal’s behavior as best as possible. 

The PARCHETTO + NIDO solution is normally comprised of two PARCHETTO model aviaries, with a LIBAIA or LIBERO model nesting box in the centre, with one or two floors. PARCHETTO is an aviary with two or three floors, with a slatted surface, equipped with feeding systems, drinking troughs and cleaning belts for the dejections. 

The various levels of the aviary are inclined, so as to enable the eggs laid outside of the nesting boxes but inside the aviary to roll towards the outside and to be collected using belts or manually.

The nest can be supplied with either LIBAIA model or LIBERA model
