
Aviary VL OPEN 1

Voliera VL OPEN 1

The VL OPEN 1 aviary, designed by CLERICI GINO srl, was created for farming laying hens for the production of eggs.

The technical features and sizing of the aviary are fully in line with the requirements of the European directive concerning the welfare of laying hens.

VL OPEN-1 was designed with attention to every construction detail, both in terms of routine management by the operator and in order to best adapt the structure to the animal’s behaviour.

The VL OPEN-1 consists of 2 opposite modules as shown in the drawing, with a corridor in the middle for inspection of the animals by an operator.

VL OPEN 1 is made up of 3 levels; two with slatted surfaces, equipped with feeding systems, drinking troughs and belts for cleaning dejections and one at the centre, where the LIBAIA nesting box is positioned (see the section FREE RANGE WITH NESTING BOXES

I vari livelli della voliera sono inclinati, permettendo così alle uova, deposte fuori dai nidi, di rotolare alle estremità e di essere raccolte attraverso dei nastri intermedi, oppure manualmente.

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